The embarrassing thing, for many post-modernists, is that they can't say on the one-hand that everything is political, but then take a stance which transcends partisanship. One has to introduce moral verticality in order to clear up this confusion.
As in, the political position I'm taking actually transcends and includes yours, it is a higher position, and that's why I can take a stand there. Post-modernists already do this, with their emphasis on everything being political, but then are dishonest about their own stance.
In other words, they're scared shitless of power, and so ending up wielding power in dishonest & scary ways.
As a recovering post-modernist who was lost in relativity, and super scared of wielding power in ways that would hurt others, I can honestly say that we can do better, but only if we own the relative betterness of our deepest understanding.
Owning the relative betterness of one's position, doesn't mean that we can't consider that we may be wrong, or we can't revise our position. That's the fear, I think, that keep many stuck in moral relativism, and while it can happen, we have to trust our depth & sincerity more.
We also have to trust the networks of care that we're embedded in, and be willing to have difficult conversations with each other, both "calling in" and "calling out." We are all imperfect, but together, we are capable of great wisdom & compassion.
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