The amount of violence and intimidation going on before election day is enough of a sign that Trumpism can't be defeated at the ballot box, but it's the small examples of intimidation that aren't caught by the news that concern me as well : A story from a friend in Nashville....
Friend of mine texted to tell me that for weeks in her suburban Nashville neighborhood two white men in a pick-up truck have been driving through the community and taking #BlackLivesMatter and #BidenHarris signs off of people's yards
At first I doubted this, thinking "Maybe this was just a few jerks who were taking down signs" but she showed me several screenshots of her community bulletin board of people photographing these men driving through and taking down signs.
These two white men in camo pants aren't going to be famous, didn't carry guns and won't be on the news. But the boldness of walking up to people's homes in broad daylight, sometimes WITH people at home and just taking their signs is a form of violence we often overlook
It's essentially a taunt "I DARE you to stop me from taking this political sign off of your lawn." And of course it works because you figure if someone is crazy enough to do that, what else might they be capable of? Which brings us to the TX, DC and NJ Trump Caravans
Riding a Biden/Harris bus out of Texas isn't protest, it's violence & intimidation. Shutting down traffic in favor of "your" candidate isn't a protest it's intimidation. These people are warning America that they'll engage in violence to keep their savior in office
It won't always be as loud as a caravan, but I can imagine trucks of #MAGA yahoos showing up outside the house of a local election worker, or picking up signs from officials yards or other small acts of intimidation will be widespread and unreported. Stay prepared
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