Final full day of this long and bitter campaign finds President Trump behind - and, perhaps, facing defeat - hopscotching among NC, PA, MICH, WISC before one final stop in MICH - Grand Rapids, where he ended his successful 2016 run. He'll return to the White House late tonight
Biden - on the cusp, perhaps, of winning the prize that has eluded him for decades - will focus on Pennsylvania today. He'll head home to Delaware this evening
America has twice had three consecutive two term presidents:
-Jefferson, Madison and Monroe between 1801-1825
-Clinton, Bush W and Obama between 1993-2017
...but it has never had four consecutive two termers
Whoever wins will make history in other ways:
-Trump, 74, would be the oldest person ever elected to a second term
-Biden, 77, would be the oldest ever elected to a first term
-Harris would be the first female and black VP
14 of our 48 vice presidents have gone on to become president themselves; of these, eight became president after the death of a sitting president. One, Ford, moved up after a sitting president resigned
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