The issue here isn’t really what constitutes cheating. It’s the difference in the reporting of similar incidents based on where that person was born. When Kane, Vardy, DCL etc round the keeper and purposely drag their trailing leg to make contact with a fingertip, it’s lauded... clever play. Those players are “entitled to go down”. Even though they initiated contact and it’s nowhere near enough for them to go down. Fair enough. But at least be consistent. Instead, when a player was actually kicked you’ve got Murphy saying he dived and Shearer...
...outraged and saying it wasn’t a foul. The implication was that Mo cheated. That’s why people get frustrated. Your show (and Moyes) set a narrative. That has been jumped on by others in the media to start a witch-hunt. Even on MOTD2, the Liverpool highlights had David Moyes...
...over them saying Salah dived. No other matches had manager comments on. But yeah, no bias there Gary. 🙄 All we ask for (like you ask from referees) is consistency. Kane dived in the second half yesterday - not even a mention. Wilson incident was same as Salah - no outrage.
If you can’t see why people are annoyed and frustrated then you need help. But I suppose dressing it up as “fan bias” means you don’t have to confront harsh truths or acknowledge the unconscious bias that is evident on your show.

You carry on burying your head in the sand.
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