HERE’S A QUESTION: WILL THE RECKONING ever come for House Republicans? We have a pretty good idea what Tuesday is going to look like in the House: Republicans are bracing for a whooping. Most suggest a net loss of between seven and 15 seats.
Will anyone in the House GOP leadership get held responsible? Will there be any reflection?
-- SOME REALITIES: No one has the stones -- or infrastructure -- to try to take out KEVIN MCCARTHY for leader. No one really wants to take out STEVE SCALISE (R-La.). But there’s one target that everyone is talking about: LIZ CHENEY (R-Wyo.).
House GOP Conference chair is a thankless job, but CHENEY has feuded with TRUMP backers and her House GOP colleagues, so keep an eye on this.
-- AFTER LOSING MORE THAN TWO DOZEN SEATS, it would be tough for @tomemmer to make a case that he’s the right guy for the NRCC. Keep an eye on @EliseStefanik. She can make argument GOP needs more women in ldrshp and the first female @NRCC chair.
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