Playbook this AM: HAPPY MONDAY and welcome to election week!

HERE’S SOMETHING YOU SHOULD REMEMBER going into E Day: Candidates do not get to decide they won the election. Just like football coaches don’t get to call the game at halftime (h/t @jaketapper)
BUT IT IS CRITICALLY IMPORTANT to understand what President DONALD TRUMP is going to do, and AXIOS’ JONATHAN SWAN took us inside his head Sunday night. He reported TRUMP has told people he plans to declare victory if he’s ahead Tuesday.
WE SPOKE TO A FEW PEOPLE IN TRUMP WORLD on Sunday who said that they will publicly try to make the point that states and localities should make a clear delineation between the ballots that come in before Election Day and the ones that arrive afterward.
DECLARING VICTORY BEFORE THE BATTLE IS WON is silly & somewhat dangerous behavior, and should be taken with a mountain of salt, if you want to pay attention to it at all. A smattering of states -- including the all-important Pa.,, Wis., and Mich. -- could be unresolved by Tues.
TRUMP said Sun he'll be going “in with our lawyers” “as soon as the election is over.” JOSH SHAPIRO, Pa's A.G., tweeted: “FACT CHECK: Our elections are over when all the votes are counted. But if your lawyers want to try us, we’d be happy to defeat you in court one more time”
STATES RUN ELECTIONS, not candidates or television networks. Remember that.
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