In the lead up to what we're told every day is the most important election of our lives, the New York Times hasn't run a single OpEd by someone voting for Trump, as far as I can tell (correct me if I'm wrong). What an absolute failure on the part of the former paper of record.
The reason that's always given for this is that Trump's supporters lie about facts, or that they're all racists. This is not the reason. It's actually about class and a digital media business model that relies on excluding the wrong kind of readers (ones without a college degree)
That's also why Trump's name appears every 250 words or so in the New York Times (, and never God forbid by anyone who admires him. Ever hear of "Project Feels" ( "Who you gonna believe, me or your lying feelings?"
The Times has become a set of individual journalists living in terror of being ratioed on Twitter for which you can lose your job, coupled with a business model that depends on Twitter and on excluding the very people Twitter hates. It's a match made in - well, you decide.
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