Curating objects✅ Curating album✅ What objects do u think best represent the others? Actually let's call them possessions since this is about possession of identity/self 😉 Could say the psyche is like a house w/ many rooms, 1 has a social mirror/looking glass, reflecting how+
society sees us. Doors closed, is Tae shutting that out, trying to be true to his personal space/self? Is this the projection of him in the world but not of it? Did the MOTS lead to this place? In a sense ARMY is BTS' looking glass, we shape cutouts of them in our heads, but it's
based on narrative & what we THINK we see not what they truly are, there's always the unknown "space" between reality & fiction. Funny then that Tae is off axis & the empty space above him is the orientation point. Framework isn't perfect, neither is he.
Luv that photography is his passion but can also be a metaphor for control here, how he captures/views things & sets the tone for the story he wants to tell, proving what SMT suggests; ppl are not capable of self-reflection w/o relational interpretation
Is BE an answer to any1 who paints BTS in false light, be it critics, antis, our egos (even theirs)? Are they deconstructing the facade? Saying BE natural/imperfect. Our takeaway is to BE our OWN curators/designers in life, choose what to leave/take; experiences/memories/dreams+
purpose. Good/bad things will come/go out of our "rooms," landscapes change, come what may "life goes on," but the 1 constant is SELF so better to speak/trust/love/know/BE yourself. We must face it all to grow-even the dark unconscious-& follow our MOTS, re-navigating as we go💜
Everything about this room is cohesive & easily intelligible, like RM's messages to us. The minimalism gives a sense of ease - uncluttered, clean - like his mind? He's principle centered & this is likewise orderly. There's hope in structured surroundings &
awareness. Openness - the windows invite things in (light, dark - he'll embrace it). The natural lighting illuminates everything evenly; the balance between rustic (wood, earthy tones - aged mediums) & modern, denoting respect of past & present elements (like in philosophy ideas
Feels like a snap shot of his nightly routine; gripped by insomnia, up with trenchant (creative) voices/muses blaring in his head, "Do more. See more. Be more."😭 Must be tiring when he can't "mute it." Occupational hazard of an insatiable Renaissance man
plagued by multitudes of interests, as many as there are speakers?😉I mean, doesn't the room seem busy with all THAT piled up? Is this his cluttered hypersensitive mind? Peep the haphazard scribblings on the wall too, further disruption of symmetry, alluding to (restless) energy?
Lana Del Ray echoes in my head~"You're so Art Deco." Seeing the silk clothes/curtains, fringe crystal lamps, glass table, the pastel palette... it harkens back to a time of glamour, affluence, materialism & unapologetic self expression/experimentation
& tho Seokjin's sensitive & egalitarian nature is in blatant contrast w/ the often elitist & hedonistic bourgeoisie mindset which inspired the Zeitgeist of the 1920s, he just..permeates sophistication & "class." ($800+ slippers luxuriousness enough for u? 😉) But underneath his
sparkling surface is the softest center - saying it again, gems are the perfect symbol as he was forged in fire, 7+ yrs with his nose to the grind-stone to get polished. 💜💎 Overall, the scheme manages to strike the perfect balance between elegance &
boldness, juxtapositining the soft/round edges of the furniture w/ the geometric sharpness of the gems. The diversity of stones reinforce uniqueness - & since he identifies [us] w/ them - our independent/inherent value as well. His focus on the gems &
not the cam emphasizes a look @ oneself; be your own appraiser. Source of light is unambiguous, a gentle blend of artificial & natural filtering thru the windows & chandeliers, refracting & dispersing like sun rays thru glass/water. Think: piercing a wave & the gossmar shimmer
your eyes adjust to when u 1st open them, we're looking thru a similar "underwater" lens in JK's room, only we're in deeper/darker/murkier waters 😉 It's the idea that not all parts of us are visible or appear the same under different [light] conditions
(how does it reflect on the psyche?) The entire space is cast in a pearlescent hued glow, fitting as Jin sits atop what could pass as a shell - think scalloped/clam - like an iridescent pearl😍 Essentially, there is no place to hide; the brightness exposes everything & that's the
point: to see yourself for what u are - flaws & all - to accept/embrace it. This is your epiphany, heed to it~"I’m the 1 I should luv in this world, shining me, precious soul of mine, I finally realized so I luv me, not so perfect but so beautiful...why did I hide my true self?"
L u x u r i o u s

I'm clearly not glam enough for correct
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