. @FionaAldridge introduces the findings of our new adult participation in learning survey.

Previous waves of the survey had shown a ‘decade of decline’ in lifelong learning

#LockdownLearning #LifelongLearningWeek
This year’s survey explored adult participation in learning during lockdown.

We found that 43% of adults took part in some form of learning during lockdown.
#LifelongLearningWeek #LockdownLearning https://learningandwork.org.uk/resources/research-and-reports/learning-through-lockdown/
We saw a significant shift to online learning during lockdown.

#LifelongLearningWeek #lockdownlearning
The pandemic may lead to a lasting shift in learning patterns.

Most of those who took part in online learning during lockdown say they will continue to do so #LifelongLearningWeek #lockdownlearning
. @FionaAldridge highlights inequalities in access to lifelong learning.

Adults in lower socio economic groups, and those who left education at a younger age, were far less likely to take part in lockdown learning
Baroness Garden emphasises the importance of learning for adults - including Lords learning to use Zoom!

She says cuts in funding for adult education have had a negative impact on participation 📉
Baroness Garden says that all learning has value.

She argues that level 1 courses and informal learning can be a ‘stepping stone for reluctant or nervous learners’ to then progress to higher level learning.

. @suepemberholex highlights the huge need for lifelong learning:

🚨 17m adults don’t have a level 2 qualification

🚨 9m adults lack basic skills

. @suepemberholex raises concerns that while low paid and low skilled workers are the most likely to be impacted by the crisis, they are the least likely to take part in learning and training.

. @Padcraven of @cityandguilds says we need to reach out to those who haven’t had good experience of learning so far.

We need to show them that learning is for ‘people like them’, and it can lead to a better job and more opportunities. #LifelongLearningWeek
. @Padcraven mentions recent @cityandguilds research, which found half of adults have not received training at work in the last 3 years.

We need to support the ‘missing millions’ to access learning and training.

https://www.cityandguildsgroup.com/research/missing-millions #LifelongLearningWeek
Access to learning is vital to help people find work and progress.

But it’s not just about that...

@suepemberholex highlights how lifelong learning can improve health and wellbeing, and support integration. #LifelongLearningWeek
Final question on what #lockdownlearning our panelists have done.

Baroness Garden has improved her IT skills 👩‍💻

@Padcraven has learnt about wildlife 🦜

@suepemberholex has been gaming 🎮

@FionaAldridge is thinking about skateboarding! 🛹

As we kick of #LifelongLearningWeek, and as we enter another period of restrictions, what #lockdownlearning are you planning to do?
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