I’ve been quiet about this bc I really didn’t want the stress of y’all yelling at me, and so I’ve agreed with things I absolutely don’t agree with to keep the peace and seem like a good leftist and make sure that people don’t think I’m awful
That’s how I know a lot of y’all are just trying to sit with the popular kids bc that was a source of anxiety for me and quite a few other people I know.
I am going to be angry at people who didn’t vote when there were no barriers to voting for them. I’m going to be angry and annoyed and I’m not going to apologize for that.
“Voter suppression is widespread” - yes it is but for MANY of y’all the voting process is ridiculously easy. I know as a Denver County resident, voting was so easy it would have honestly been a bit disgusting had I chosen not to
“We need a third party” - there is no viable third party and this (just like 2016) is not the election to vote for one for fun. You sound absolutely ridiculous
“The only thing that will bring about the change we need is total, violent revolution.” - you’re absolutely right! What resistance movement will you be fighting in on November 3rd? Where are your bottles and rags? Are you willing to die? Do you have a group?


Then vote
“Mutual aid is the most important thing.” - of course it is. Are you incapable of doing that and voting?
And a lot of y’all know a lot and you’re making smart arguments. But at the end of the day, all you’re doing is reading. Can you read your ballot while you’re reading Marx (which I suspect many of you have not actually read) and vote?
“I didn’t want to vote for a rapist.” - either way you’re going to have a rapist in the White House, and one of them is a brutal and serial rapist. Also, do you think survivors and marginalized groups will be safer from SA under Trump or Biden?
“I voted locally but not for the presidents” - ok that’s better but it’s still ridiculous. In fact it might be more offensive. Your ballot was RIGHT THERE, and I guarantee you’re going to whine when Trump wins. I don’t want to hear your crying
“In European countries, they...” - stop right there. You don’t live in fucking Europe. You live in Ohio. And you’re not planning a French Revolution. This is your reality. Vote
“There are so many barriers to people voting, formerly incarcerated people, disabled people, Black voters, etc” - yes there are. Vote for the people who desperately want to vote, but can’t. Vote for the people risking their lives standing in line, worried about terrorism
“Actually the most radical thing I can do is not vote.” - please, see sense. Who are you defeating by doing that. No one
“Nothing will change either way.” - the streets of New York were literally filled with trucks of dead bodies. We have lost 200k + people to this virus. Trump is about to fire Fauci. Many people have not hugged their own parents in 9 months. You sound so ridiculous
The truth is that a lot of tall are doing this to feel morally and intellectually superior to folks. And you’re not. You’re playing into the hands of the very same corrupt establishment you smugly brag about not “buying into.”
You’re not a radical, you’re just a person with a library card and weird Chairman Mao fetish.
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