The more I think about, the more amazing the dynamics of the left's decline in the west seem. Mainstream social democracy is dead or effectively so in many countries. Hard left populism (Corbynism, Syriza, Podemos) failed. How much failure before a different tack is tried?
The French Left is a twitching corpse. The SPD are the liberal wing of the CDU in effect. The Dutch Labour Party are in terminal decline. The US Democratic Party is split between dead-eyed neoliberals and ID politics warriors who are just a perpetual pressure group etc
The few outposts of success are usually because of adaptation to realities, i.e. abandoning or loosening the grip of open borders pro-globalization dogma. The Danish Social Democrats and Arden's Labour Party both supported a restrictive immigration policy...and won
And yet, the common ground of both piss-weak social democracy of the 90s/00s vintage and the hard left populists - in essence, pro-immigration cosmopolitanism and ID politics - remains mostly unquestioned, despite being the toxic brew that has destroyed both projects.
You'd have thought that the Left would be tired of losing, and not just losing, but getting thrashed, hammered, annihilated, again and again and again. But apparently not: masochism seems to be the chief common feature of the Left. They REALLY hate winning elections
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