How Trump Could Have Won Version 1, thread 1/17

We are one day from election day. There are 2 scenarios I have feared, which I believe Trump could have used (either or both) to win the election. They are FRIGHTFUL but plausible. TODAY (Monday) they have EXPIRED. So I can discuss
How Trump Could Have Won Ver 1, thread 2/17

This version is the intended Iran War. I KNOW Trump had this as part of his re-election plan. We have AMPLE evidence of their intention to be at war with Iran. It was TIMED for this election. There is 80 years of MATH to justify this
How Trump Could Have Won Ver 1, thread 3/17

The logic is incredibly solid. For 80 years, EVERY time a sitting US President went into re-election, and the USA was at war, that President was re-elected. EVERY time. 100% reliability. There have ALSO been re-elections in peacetime
How Trump Could Have Won Ver 1, thread 4/17

Do not misunderstand what I said. American Presidents have ALSO been re-elected during peacetime (like Bill Clinton) but NO American sitting President has been tossed out of White House during a war. This gives a CHILLING incentive
How Trump Could Have Won Ver 1, thread 5/17

Trump knows this because his WAR HAWK advisors sold him on the Iran war. John Bolton, Mike Pompeo etc were pushing a war with Iran from before Trump appointed them to their posts. It was their mission. Pompeo is ON THIS TASK still now
How Trump Could Have Won Ver 1, thread 6/17

The plan was to push & provoke Iran into performing an 'act of war' against the USA. Then Trump could come and 'protect' American interests - with Saudi Arabia & UAE - and attack Iran. Get into a war, just in time for the election
How Trump Could Have Won Ver 1, thread 7/17

The DEVIOUS black ops strategem would have been a 'false flag' attack. Send mercenaries of Academi (=Blackwater) ie Eric Prince's thugs who performed war crimes in Iraq & middle east, to launch FAKE attack from near Iran border
How Trump Could Have Won Ver 1, thread 8/17

Just so you can connect-the-dots, yes Eric Prince is brother of Betsy DeVos. So an asshole family.

Understand, the idea is to create FAKE attack, from near Iran's border (on Iraq side) using captured Iranian weapons (from Yemen war)
How Trump Could Have Won Ver 1, thread 9/17

Make certain that 'false flag' attack causes SERIOUS US deaths (aim at some US military bases) AND LOTS of Iraq civilian deaths to get big numbers. Hundreds in total dead, at least. As long as USA has ACCUSED Iran of PREVIOUS attacks
How Trump Could Have Won Ver 1, thread 10/17

As long as USA has managed to REPEATEDLY accuse Iran of 'provocations', and then there is this horrid attack, killing American soldiers, it is a pretty easy step to get Americans to support Trump in his war against Iran. A real war..
How Trump Could Have Won Ver 1, thread 11/17

A real war with Iran would have been a decades-long quagmire similar to Vietnam war. Like Afghanistan unwinnable but against a FAR FAR stronger opponent than Vietnam, Afghanistan (or Iraq or North Korea). But Trump wouldn't care
How Trump Could Have Won Ver 1, thread 12/17

Trump would NOT CARE how unwinnable that war would be, as long as Trump is re-elected in 2020.

Please understand. I am not inventing a conspiracy theory. Bolton wanted this war. Pompeo has been trying to get this war going.
How Trump Could Have Won Ver 1, thread 13/17

What stopped this? A brave whitleblower & Col Vindman etc last summer, not in any way related to Iran. The IMPEACHMENT inquiry stopped the Trump War against Iran. The ONLY reason Trump could not get Iran War started, was impeachment
How Trump Could Have Won Ver 1, thread 14/17

We will hear, in the Trumpomess aftermath, that Trump, Bolton, Pompeo etc had prepared for the Iran War. Some of the weird gambits around Iran (mysterious border incidents etc) were manufactured by the USA. This will all come out
How Trump Could Have Won Ver 1, thread 15/17

But understand, a MAJOR element of Trump's plan to win re-election, similar to the Hunter Biden manufactured bullshit (from 2019) was the scheduled war against Iran (prepared also from 2019). This race WOULD be different
How Trump Could Have Won Ver 1, thread 16/17

If now for half a year 200,000 US troops had been in a shooting war on Iranian border, daily news coverage of air war, naval war, tank war... Trump would be MORE POPULAR. it would not 'guarantee' he wins. It would make this race close
How Trump Could Have Won Ver 1, thread 17/17

This Iran War gambit is certain to have been part of Trump's re-election plan. Obviously he doesn't care if tens of thousands of US troops would have died (look at Covid deaths). I have a WORSE scenario, version 2 (next thread)
PS 1 - false flag operations (having your OWN troops shoot at your OWN side, and accusing the other side of starting a war) are a COMMON method to launch wars

The USA used this to get into Vietnam War (the Tonkin Gulf incident was false flag)

Separately, Iraq War lies (WMD)
PS 2 - the correct timing politically & militarily for this Iran War 'false flag' attack would have been in SPRING of 2020, and start the war in the summer. So it would be raging now. BUT Trump is stupid, he COULD have launched the Iran War still in October haha. Which I feared..
PS 3

If you thought War With Iran would be 'similar' to War With Iraq or Afghanistan etc. You do not understand what a horrid, DEADLY war (for USA) any conflict with Iran would be.

If so, I wrote some Threads for you in January. Start with this:
PS 4

I have now finished my second thread. If the Iran War would have made the Trump election close. This is even worse. If executed well, this nightmare scenario would have given Trump the election. Enjoy
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