A day in the life of a neurodivergent compared with a neurotypical. - a thread. /1
It’s time to shower

Neurotypical: *showers*

Me (neurodivergent): *the sensory transition from dry to wet is too much to handle so I sit on my bed working myself up for twenty minutes before deciding that washing my face with a flannel will do for this morning* /2
It’s time to get dressed

Neurotypical: *gets dressed*

Me (neurodivergent): *tries on five different outfits before finally settling with one which doesn’t seem to be itchy, rough, irritating or uncomfortable. It just so happens to be the same outfit I wear most days* /3
It’s breakfast time

Neurotypical: *eats the fresh croissants even though they normally have toast*

Me (neurodivergent): *thinks that the croissants look nice but eats the same cereal I’ve eaten every day for breakfast for the past two years because change is too much* /4
Starting a task

Neurotypical: *starts task*

Me (neurodivergent): *sits scrolling through social media because I don’t have the executive functioning skills required to switch my mental focus to a different task let alone decide what task to begin with* /5
Someone gives an instruction

Neurotypical: *follows instruction*

Me (neurodivergent): ‘Sorry what exactly is it you mean? Can you repeat that? I don’t understand what you mean by x. What if I get it wrong? I don’t think I am capable of following your instruction.’ /6
An unexpected disruption to your plan

Neurotypical: *deals with disruption and forgets about initial task while being disrupted*

Me (neurodivergent): *my brain - ‘we did not prepare for this scenario, we repeat, we did not prepare for this scenario.’ brain shuts down*. /7
It’s lunch-time

Neurotypical: *makes and eats lunch*

Me (neurodivergent): *it’s 4pm before I realise I’ve got carried away and forgot to eat. The prospect of making lunch is stressful because there are too many steps to it and it’s overwhelming so I just stare at the fridge* /8
Social interaction

Neurotypical: *socialises with ease and enjoys it. does not come away feeling exhausted*

Me (neurodivergent): *forgets what my name is and how to speak, collapses with exhaustion following a 10 minute conversation* /9

Neurotypical: *exercises*

Me (neurodivergent): *my brain - ‘is that...STICKINESS?! you’re sticky. code red. emergency. order heart rate to rise. you can not calm down until you wash the stickiness off.* /10
Watching TV

Neurotypical: *watches the new series everyone is raving about*

Me (neurodivergent): *watches the same show I’ve seen two hundred times and watch every day because I’m obsessed and it makes me feel safe and happy* /11
It’s time to go to sleep

Neurotypical: *goes to sleep*

Me (neurodivergent): *lies awake in bed replaying every second of social interaction from the day, criticising myself for being awkward and getting everything wrong as usual* /12
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