Suddenly the anti-lockdown Great Barrington Declaration makes sense: it's sponsored by the "American Institute for Economic Research", a free-market think tank funded by billionaire climate-change denialist Charles Koch, who opposes business regulations.
No surprise to see Farage, the IEA, Sikora & the rest of the free-marketeers who brought us Brexit & Trump tapping into this latest divisive income stream which is designed for the benefit of big businesses.

It's all so transparent now yet STILL most journalists won't touch it!
A handful of dangerous, greedy, powerful US Libertarian billionaires are fucking up our planet & its people.

These climate-change denialists gave us Brexit & Trump.

Just take a look at the irresponsible #disinformation they pump out all day, every day:
These greedy dangerous, sociopathic Libertarian billionaires are by far the biggest threat to social cohesion, the environment, & humanity.

They subverted democracy to give us Trump & Brexit & install stooges.

They want nothing short of global #kleptocracy - & they're winning.
One of the greatest illusions of modern times has been to trick millions of voters into believing that billionaires, multi-millionaires & ex-commodities traders actually represent the interests of ordinary people - rather than becoming grotesquely wealthy from their exploitation.
If we had a functioning democracy, an educated population capable of critical thinking, plain-speaking honest politicians or a decent free & fair press, these greedy bastards would have been stopped in their tracks decades ago.

Instead, we're on the verge of fascist kleptocracy.
The worse thing? You think I'm exaggerating.

A post- #COVID economic tsunami is coming. The parallels between now & 1930s Germany are already undeniable.

Unless we start speaking truth to power very soon, it will be too late.

Yep, it's all coming into very sharp focus.
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