All, in case you haven't already, please give a listen to @CarlZha's podcast where he and I discuss DNSA Matt Pottinger's background, his anti-China zealotry, and his culpability in over 230,000 excess American COVID deaths and counting 
I know many of you are committed to finding a sustainable US-China peace for the 21st century. To do so, it is imperative we exorcise the hardliners - in both parties - who have sacrificed America's health and well-being on the altar of a new Cold War while blaming China for it
If you care at all about keeping the lights from going out all over the Pacific, please show these posts - which cover how the anti-China consensus was forged with the US govt's cynical deceit of the American public and callous disregard for American lives - to everyone you know
Because one day, there will be justice for these heinous acts, and on that day, you will be comforted in knowing that you did your part in bringing that justice about.

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