Usually, I can get through a 232 page book in 2-3 days worth of light bedtime reading.

I wasn’t able to do that with @mrjamesob’s latest book: How Not To Be Wrong.

Here’s why...
I read his first book ‘How To Be Right’ in one sitting.

I laughed and/or despaired whilst reading excerpts of his calls on myriad of topics (inc. Brexit) and his reflections on them.

Besides the Classical Liberal/Nanny State chapter, I never gave it much more thought

James is a white middle class privately educated man who talks (& listens) on the radio for a living.

I am a BAME* Doctor & attended the worst achieving state school in the poorest borough of London.

I didn’t think we’d have anything in common & yet...

*I hate this term

Reading ‘How Not To Be Wrong’ has me agreeing with him on all the things I’m wrong about in life.

I have reached out to family & friends recently asking questions that have never crossed my mind before, all in an effort to figure out what really makes

For the first time in a long time, I’m exhilarated by the idea of changing my mind.

8 chapters and 8 days later- I may not have it all figured out but I know I’m willing to at least try.

Buy the book.
Read the book.
Be prepared to change your mind.

Tonight I think I’ll read something nice and easy... 👀

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