🧵 You're fine to just skip this one.

It, admittedly, gets a little salty.
So. My least-favorite new corner of Thirsty Twitter is populated by junior MDs, adjunct faculty, and sundry "policy experts" who are SUPER mad about schools not being open on account of all us sheeple not understanding Europe or risk matrices or curvy science charts.
So, just a few utterly unscientific data points from an admitted man of the sheeple:
First, unlike ""Europe"" (🙄), my own city's relative success with COVID came out of a unique and very hard-to-replicate set of class and regional anomalies.
High-income, easier-than-typical remote/knowledge working, world-class medical professionals, high rate of carrying health insurance, PLUS a population improbably willing to take ALL precautions—because TBH most of us can afford to.

Good luck replicating that…mmm…everywhere.
Next. This sucks, BUT.

A lot of people who WORK in San Francisco do not LIVE in San Francisco.
This goes for all kinds of municipal employees AND teachers, let alone gig workers and folks in the service economy.
So, when a 50YO Uber driver from Colma gets sick?

When a custodian from East Palo Alto develops a cough?

When an SF TEACHER who lives with 4 roomies in Oakland tests positive?
Yeah. Pretty sure those don't count against SF's pristine report card.

That's now on…_thoooose_ communities.
On to more personal notes.
SF does not have school buses.

So, we transport our kid to and from public school across town.

In normal times, that means my wife drops her off on her way to work, and then I pick her up.

We are fortunate enough to have one (1) car for my commuting wife, and we can, gratefully, afford my Lyft to affect the PM school pickup.

Yay, us.
On the one hand, how's a similar scenario looking for a kid in Bayview who has to take the T-Third to school in a central neighborhood?

And, oh, did I mention MUNI service is drastically reduced, so the kid will be sitting in a subterranean fart tube for 45 minutes?

Cool cool.
And as far as that Lyft I hire each afternoon? Yeah.

Thirty minutes there and thirty minutes back each afternoon in a stranger's car?

Half of that journey with my kid?

Not great, Bob.
(Related: Again. AGAIN. All the theoretical plans for navigating carefully orchestrated safe _destinations_ seem predicated on some really very NOT safe means for arriving and leaving that destination. But, whatever.)
Listen. I'm no expert.

But, maybe it's worth hearing from more non-experts who have to interact in a world outside of today's model.

We're the ground floor jerks who have to actually DO all the shit that the petit COVIDariat have deemed VERY SAFE this particular week.
And, hey. If you really want to pack your baby into a fart tube and launch them into the highly necessary educational fray? More power to you. And them, I guess.
But until this goddamned skidmark of a public health response can muster something better than weirdly-reckoned optimism based on chicken bones, Twitter hearts, and PowerPoints?

I and the sheeple I love will be good to keep following our own judgment a lot more carefully than your weirdly sweaty jeremiad.
Stop yelling at everyone for doing it wrong, and just finally fix this shit.
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