covid awareness/tips for anyone who went out halloween and/if tested positive! (a compassionate thread <3)
1.) first off, i wanna make the disclaimer that i don't condone irresponsible behavior during this pandemic. but tbh, if you already have COVID, you probably already feel guilty and terrible. so reflect on your choices but also, take care of yourself through this journey
2.) if you went out on halloween, don't take a test the day after. it won't tell you shit. self-isolate for 5 days and on the 5th day get tested. this is also usually when you will start showing symptoms.
3.) if you come out positive, quarantine. your doctor should tell you more but basically you will quarantine for 10 days from your symptom start date (asymptomatic folks... talk to a doctor lol). you should only stop isolating if you haven't had a fever in 24 hours...
4.)... and if your symptoms are improving. otherwise, talk to your doctor! if you come out negative, if you have the resources, continue to self-isolate and social distance as much as possible for 14 days after halloween.
5.) don't research anything if you have access to a doctor. call your doctor instead. this is just gonna fuel your anxiety and doctor's have better up to date and consistent info. some symptoms i experienced were shortness of breath, abdominal pain, soreness, coughing, headaches
6.) relax. as much as you can. stress makes it worse and will make you recover slower. lots of sleep, orange juice, lemon ginger tea, 3 meals a day, lots of water will make it go by faster. take all the grace everyone is giving you.
7.) be honest with contact tracers. you already made one bad mistake, now the best thing is to make sure you minimize the damage. by co-operating with them, i am almost 100% sure i did not infect anyone despite seeing my bf on the first day of symptoms.
8.) don't let the guilt eat you up too much. this pandemic is something we have never seen. it is only fair for you to punish yourself once for your mistakes, and COVID is a big punishment trust. focus on your wellbeing and your communities now. recover so you can donate plasma!
9.) aftercare is a big deal! don't neglect all your new health habits just cause you start feeling good. some symptoms take a little longer to go away. my cough actually got a lil worse at day 10 but it is now gone (1-2 weeks later). keep getting vitamin c, eating, and sleeping
10.) after you have covid, you will probably keep testing positive for another 3 months so communicate that to any symptom screenings who ask for COVID tests
i'll add material resources after im done my hw hehe
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