Cut off from your life those who act in support of anti - Hindutva. Even better, interact with them only in support of Hindutva and in rebellion of anti Hindutva : a thread 👇
What is Hindutva?

This question has been answered by Veer Savarkar himself in the very beginning of the book "Hindutva" and again later on as well.

Hindutva is the brotherhood among all those who consider Bharat as the fatherland and holy land.
Who considers Bharat as the fatherland and as holy land?

Hindus, Buddhists, Sikhs, and Jains, consider Bharat as their fatherland and as their holy land, and here's why.

As I came to know recently, Hinduism isn't a system that's centered around one central figure.
Hindus revere ancient figures like Ram, and recent figures like Swami Vivekananda as part of faith. There are a multitude of holy figures in the faith, all of whom appeared in the indian subcontinent or in adjacent territories.
For this reason, for Hindus, India is not only the fatherland, but also the holy land.

Prince Siddhartha was born in today's Nepal, but he became Buddha in today's Bodh Gaya, which is in Bihar, India.
Actually the name "Bihar" itself comes from the word "Vihara" which means a rather ancient Buddhist temple.

Today, most Buddhists in the world are of non Indic ethnic groups, unlike most Hindus, Sikhs, or Jains in the world.
but the one thing that binds them all together - Buddhism - unquestionably originated in today's India.

so, is Bharat the fatherland and the holy land for Buddhists? Yes.

What about Sikhs?
Guru nanak, who's globally accepted today as the one who initiated the Sikh order, or Sikh brotherhood, to protect the Dharmic people from foreign invaders (you know whom), was born in Bharat. For this reason, Bharat is the fatherland, and holy land, for Sikhs.

What about Jains?
Mahavir, who initiated today's Jain community, was born in Bharat too.

So, Bharat is the fatherland and holy land for Jains too.

So, Hindutva is generally the brotherhood among Hindus, Buddhists, Sikhs, and Jains, and politically, against those who seek to destroy india.
What I mean by "destroy India," doesn't necessarily mean invade India and destroy what's within India. No. What I mean by this is, when we say "India" we refer to not only the geographical landscape, but also a nature, a culture of the people of the land.

The culture of debates.
The culture of free men and women who can decide what they want to do with their lives, without interfering with the freedoms of others.

The culture of the people who respected nature and revered parts of it as gods, and became one with it.
The culture of the people who gave invaluable arts and sciences to the world.

The culture that gave a perfect system of multiple social groups, based on the contribution to the state and society.

Where Brahmins learnt and taught, Kshatriyas defended the state and its People.
Where Vaishyas contributed to the economy with wealth, Kshudras provided services.

What the word "Bharat" reminds me of is this system that incorporates all the roles of the society we have even today.

A professor is a Brahmin. A policeman is a Kshatriya.
A businessman is a Vaishya. A service provider is a Kshudra.

The Bharat had this system while the west was wild, slaughtering each other over each other's women, ravaged by lust, greed, and power.

The culture that gave the world the way of rational debates instead of violence.
The culture in which a woman was free to dress freely and carry jewels openly from Ceylon on to Kashmir, and all the way back, without being harmed with even a word coming from any one.

A culture, overflowing with knowledge, intelligence, and goodness, in everyone.
To me, this is what Bharat means, and as a sri Lankan Buddhist, for this reason, I won't shy away from saying "Bharat Mata Ki Jai!" ✊

...If you stayed with me throughout this soft red pill session, thank you. Now getting to the topic.
As you can see, not every party living in the parts of today's world that once were together, forming "Bharat," aren't in support of a brotherly union among all those who live there.

There are those who simply can't treat Bharat as their holy land for ideological reasons.
To Muslims, who are the largest minority in today's India, the holy land is Mecca, in Saudi Arabia.

To Christians, who are the 2nd largest minority in today's India, the holy land is Bethlehem, in Palestine.

Both of the places stated above are miles outside of today's India.
Their ancestry is, unfortunately, of Hindus, Buddhists, Sikhs, and Jains, of India, and thus, India is their fatherland, but their ideologies don't allow them to show allegiance to India above all other lands when it comes to religion, and thus, India isn't their holy land.
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