We don't have a decent welfare state in this country, which is part of why young people are hesitant to have lots of kids! Which cost money! In a country where you medical bills can bankrupt you even if you have good insurance! https://twitter.com/JDVance1/status/1323061111185440768
And we don't have a decent welfare state in this country that can help families support their children and offer them upward mobility because the JD Vances of the world don't want to pay higher taxes and do not support policies that would expand social programs.
We also have terrible maternal and infant mortality rates, awful or nonexistent family leave policies, and overt hostility from one party to basic family planning (sex ed, access to contraception, access to abortion).
So if conservatives actually cared about fertility rates in any meaningful sense, they'd put their money where their mouth is. But they don't.
So if JD Vance really believes Americans should have more children and this is a big problem, he should probably start donating to and voting for Democrats.
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