get to know me question thread !! :D
what is your preferred name(s) ??
what are your pronouns ??
what is your acc type ?? (ex. stan acc, personal acc, spam acc)
follow up: if you’re a stag acc, who do you stan ??
favorite color ??
birthday ??
what is your age ?? (if you’re comfortable)
what is your sexuality ??
what gender do you identify as ??
what is one thing people need to know before they follow ??
who are your best friends here on twt ??
favorite food ??
what are some of your pet peeves ??
what are your interests/hobbies ??
most used emojis ??
what is one thing in your bucket list you NEED to get done ??
what is your aesthetic ??
who do you look up to ??
favorite item of clothing you own ??
what’s your middle name ??
if you could swap places with someone for a day who would it be ??
what grade are you in ?? (if your comfortable)
what is your #1 goal you want to achieve ??
how long have you been on twt ??
what is your go to snack ??
favorite day of the week ??
favorite month of the year ??
thoughts on crocs ??
if you could dye your hair any color(s) what would it be ??
what is your dream career ??
is your twitter on light mode, dark mode, or lights out ??
what tv shows do you watch ??
favorite movie ??
do you have any pets ??
follow up question: if you do have pets, what are they and what are their names ??
do you have an iphone, android, or some other phone model ??
how many usernames have you had ??
favorite layout you have had ??
what is your follower goal ??
is your ratio skinny, medium, or really fat ??
what is your favorite drink ??
do you have braces or any type of mouth gear ??
favorite app on your phone ??
what is your go to playlist ??
follow up question: what type of songs are on your go to playlist ??
is there anything you’ve been wanting to share ?? like just in general ??
what time do you go to bed ??
where are you from ?? (if your comfortable)
what are your triggers ?? and do you put trigger warnings ??
say a fun fact abt your self !! :D
are you an introvert, extrovert, or an ambivert ??
how often do you shower ??
follow up question: showers or baths ??
how many people do you have blocked ??
are you proud of yourself ?? if you’re not, i am !! 🥺
what is the color of your room ??
are you neurodivergent ??
what is your race/ethnicity ??
do you like plants ??
have you been on a plane ?? if so, how many times ??
favorite type of flower ??
what is your favorite color combination ??
if you could bring one person to a concert with you who would you bring ?? tag them !!
what is your dream vacation ??
how many countries have you been to ??
what is one prized possession of yours ??
have you won any awards ??
follow up question: what awards have you won ??
are you or your family religious ??
does your family celebrate any special holidays ??
ok that’s all for today !! i’ll add some more questions later !! :D
what is your zodiac sign ??
do you believe in astrology ??
do you live in a house, apartment, or condo ??
what is the meaning of your username ??
what are your biggest fears ??
biggest accomplishments ??
have you ever painted your nails ??
follow up question: if so, what color have you painted them or have them right now !!
are you old enough to vote in your country ?? (if you can)
do you workout ?? how often ??
what is your favorite song currently ??
favorite animal ??
where do you see yourself in 5 years ??
do you like roller coasters ??
what are your nicknames ??
and finally, say anything. like literally anything.
ok that was the thread !! :D i hope you guys enjoyed !! i make other cool content so pls follow me i'm loosing followers lol
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