Academia is not easy. A 2500-word manuscript can represent years of hard work. If my journal receives a manuscript, I consider this an honour. And every author deserves to be respected. (1/n)
Unfortunately, I feel that authors are often put in an inferior position. Prolonged review time, rejection despite good comments from the reviewers.. Sometimes I wonder, is there anything that we can do to protect the authors? (2/n)
The International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) is doing extremely well. The recommendations were made “to review best practice and ethical standards in the conduct and reporting of research”. Is it at all possible to address the authors’ rights? (3/n)
Maybe I am daydreaming, or maybe I am just crazy. But I really think every author, being the contributor of the original work, deserves a timely and fair assessment, and this is just the minimum that a journal should offer! (4/n)
Will be great to hear about your thoughts on this. Any good or bad experiences in the past? What is considered most important in terms of authors’ rights? Please share and RT! (5/5)
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