Thread why I voted for Trump in 2016. I meet knew people on Twitter so this question comes up every now and then so I do my best to answer in detail besides just saying I was a Republican, so here goes.
I voted for Trump because I believed that the American first was patriotism. I believed he cared for veterans, I thought we were at a war with Democrats, Muslims. I used to believe abortion was murder. I hated President Obama and Hillary Clinton, believing in their demonizing.
I used to believe that Republicans cared about the rule of law, and wanted a strong Military. As a Jewish Republican at the time I wanted a President who would support Israel 100 percent. I thought he cared about veterans, never thought he was racist or antisemitic.
I knew he wasn’t a saint but just a guy like me. So what if he said “grab by the pussy” I thought it was locker room talk. I always believed Dems, Black Lives Matter and ANTIFA were part of the George Soros deep state that would destroy the American way of life.
I believed in Obamagate and Benghazi. Oh yeah, but her emails. I believed she was a National Security risk boy was I wrong. I wanted a wall to keep illegals out and didn’t want our guns taken away. This is why I voted for Trump.
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