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This title was a direct reference to "Immaterial", by SOPHIE, off Oil of Every Pearl's Un-Insides, an album I absolutely treasure as part of my formative trans experience. This was a Cocoquantus recording. https://hex-a-decimal.bandcamp.com/track/--13 
very rare I'd pair something with a stereo image like this with there rest of an album that is mostly balanced in the LR range. This used to be called Internet Cafe when I felt it didn't have to hold any real meaning aside from its aesthetic presentation.
This is an important thread to pull, because it was a specific denial of the very real emotions I had been grappling at the time, as this was recorded during my questioning period in around late winter 2018. This wouldve been part of
ο½“β–‘ο½Žβ–‘ο½β–‘ο½— but I shelved it for later.
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