This is my thread for FFVII REMAKE Ultimania translations that I will be doing now that I have time to.

・I’ll update thread as I read
・I’ll be focusing on anything related to Cloud and Aerith (Clerith) first.
・My commentary will be marked with ☆

Just to clarify, if you see any errors in any of my translations please don’t hesitate to correct my work. Also, this is the first time I’m reading the Ultimania myself, so I apologize if this info has already been known.
First, there’s nothing really worth translating in this page but I did think it was really cool that the prologue to the story showed just Aerith.

It’s that main heroine power!
☆ Cloud’s page is pretty uninteresting. But here’s what I did find worthy of translating (and no, there’s nothing LTD worthy on his pages).
pg. 012 | “The headaches are often either accompanied by hallucinations of his rival, Sephiroth; a fragment of his past memories, or a vision of the future. Are there more than one cause for these headaches that Cloud suffers from...?”
“As he suffers from the headaches, it drowns out the words of others as if blocking out information that is inconvenient for Cloud.”
☆ we’ve speculated that Cloud has different headaches for each vision. It makes you wonder if there’s more than one “real” Cloud trying to reach out to 7R!Cloud. Perhaps, his “true self” from the past as well as the future!Cloud that knows Aerith’s fate.
☆ Cloud’s profile was basically boring. Only other interesting detail is that it says despite him not being interested in their cause at first, interacting with AVALANCHE helps soften him up to the cause.

Other than that... it was boring. Onto Aerith’s.
pg. 022 | “A resilient woman that stares directly into the future”

“... Despite having lived a hard life from a young age, she is bright and innocent, and always stays positive. On the night of the Mako Reactor explosion, she had a fateful encounter with Cloud
in downtown of Sector Eight, and later asked him to be her bodyguard when they met again at the church in the Sector five slums.”

(Next, text under image)

“Despite her sweet appearance, she has the strength of growing up in the slums. She’s also an expert in the many secret passages and backstreets of the slums. “
☆ It really does call Cloud and Aerith’s first encounter on LOVELESS street “fateful meeting” (運命的な出会い). I just think that’s really sweet how the Clerith meeting is so important to destiny.
pg. 023 | “One date ought to do it” She presents Cloud with the reward of being her bodyguard

Cloud says “The price of a bodyguard isn’t cheap” and Aerith gives a very playful suggestion. When he hears the unexpected reward, Cloud doesn’t know how to respond.”
☆ Cloud is basically left speechless, and is having a hard time figuring out how to respond to her offer.
CH9 | “Aerith persuades Cloud to dress up as a woman at the Honeybee Inn.

Aerith always thinks positively in any situation in order to solve problems. Her speech is reassuring and promising but for Cloud, in that moment, it’s just a ruthless verdict he can’t escape.”
☆ I like how Cloud’s disinterest in this is stressed, but he knows he has to do it in order to protect Aerith. The quote doesn’t link it to Aerith BTW, but we know that Cloud does anything in order to not let her go in there alone. The things this man will do for Aerith.
“The future isn’t...set in stone”
CH10 | She encourages Tifa from thinking about the worst.

Knowing Shinra’s horrifying plan, she gently inspires Tifa, who is being crushed by anxiety. She encourages people to always look forward without sorrow to avoid an unfortunate future.”
☆ Am I the only one getting really strong “Aerith lives” meta vibes from this whole quote?
pg. 024 | “the land has died due to the Mako Reactors, making real flowers very valuable, but there are still some places for flowers to thrive around Aerith. She sells those flowers to passers-by in Sector 8, and sometimes delivers them to the Leaf House and the town’s doctor.”
(text under pic)

Aerith grows her flowers with love (愛情). So she instinctively raises her voice in protest at those that trample over her flowers.

☆ Okay, wait a second. Aerith... you did not get angry at Cloud when he fell on the flowers you grew with “love”. wonder why👀
pg. 025 | “She sold her flowers to Cloud for only one gil when she met him, but for the men in Sector 6, she was quite the business woman and sold them for prices between 300-500 gil each.”

☆ Aerith is a big softie when it comes to Cloud. I love that she gives him a discount.
“Due to her bright and strong personality, as well as a certain shocking scene, she has become a heroine that will always remain in player’s memories.”
“FFVII began with a shot of Aerith holding her flower basket before she vanishes into the streets of Sector 8.”

“Aerith is the type that says what’s on her mind clearly, and once she’s decided on something, it’s hard to make her back down.”
☆ I’m going to skim over 🦔and 🍵pages now just to see what LTD stuff could maybe be on them. But for now, it’s the end of this thread because I’ve reached my limit. I’ll continue in a few moments!
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