White American men saying out loud that they force their wives to vote the way they want them to. The one on the right has 10k followers.
One hundred years after white American women got the right to vote thanks to the 19th amendment, there are still some white American men boasting that they force their wives to vote the way they want them to?
“Benevolent patriarchy” is patriarchy. Authors of the book, “Nasty Women and Bad Hombres: Gender and Race in the 2016 US Presidential Election,” found that GOP women were just fine & benefited thank you from what those same women claim is oppression when it comes to Muslim women. https://twitter.com/monaeltahawy/status/1060174826135007233
White liberal women want to save Muslim women -preferably over there somewhere- and white conservative women want to feel superior to Muslim women & so refuse to see anything in their beliefs that consigns them to subservience & submission they think Muslim women must live with
I want white women in the US to take all their earnest “How can I help Muslim women” and “Why do Muslim women submit to misogyny?” questions & obsess over their white sisters whose husbands want to force them to vote the way they want them to.
Stop asking visibly Muslim women if their hijab makes them hot during the summer or if their husbands make them wear hijab and start asking your fellow white women if their husbands force them to vote how they want them to.

Save them.
Liberal or conservative, white women in the U.S. are more obsessed with Muslim women and whatever they think is oppressing Muslim women than they are at recognizing their own oppressions.
White supremacist patriarchy has so successfully lulled white women into a delusion of “Be grateful you don’t live over there” that those same women have sleep walked their way into the disaster that is Trump and his third Supreme Court nominee.
#AmyConeyBarrett is not an aberration. She is the fruition of decades of work by white supremacist patriarchy. White Republican women know what to say and do to benefit from their proximity to the power of the white men in their lives.  https://feministgiant.substack.com/p/if-amy-coney-barrett-was-a-muslim
White women haven’t been paying attention. White supremacist patriarchy is *their* patriarchy. It looks & sounds like them. It’s much easier to see Brown & Black men as the danger. That’s where white supremacist patriarchy always kept attention & promised to save white women from
So successful has white supremacist patriarchy been at convincing white women that they’re lucky to live in the U.S. and not Saudi Arabia or Iran, that so many white women did not pay enough attention to the theocracy that white supremacy was building right here at home.
I want white women in the US to stop obsessing over Muslim women and obsess instead over their white sisters who benefit from white supremacist patriarchy; start calling white women who vote for the GOP fascist enablers and footsoldiers of the patriarchy.
Take every question you ever asked about Muslim women and ask them of the white women who vote as their husbands do:

- Who indoctrinated them? 
- Who taught them to submit to men?
- Why are they so brainwashed?
- Should I save them?
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