#COVID19LK (a thread)
1.The government’s poor communication and inconsistent policy is making a bad situation worse. Curfew maybe necessary, but citizens have a right to know the facts and make adjustments with minimum fallout. Its the gov responsibility to facilitate both (1/7)
2.The health & safety measures have to be empathetic and humane. Mishandling has led to a differently abled child taking his own life;a deplorable negligence by authorities. Who is taking responsibility for the Child’s death? What measures are in place to avoid recurrence? (2/7)
3.The garment employees that carried the weight of our economy during the initial lockdown were villainised and bundled off to quarantine centres with no proper facilities or dignity. Is continued criminalisation of #COVID19 the way forward? (3/7)
4.We highlighted need for new laws to deal with COVID19 in March, President didn’t summon the parliament:matter still remains unaddressed.From holding elections to passing #20A, Pres & Gov has focused only on gaining and consolidating power at the expense of people’s lives. (4/7)
5.What happened to the #COVIDFund ? Why hasn’t it been used to increase capacity? What are the details and terms of the U.S. / China loans that were given? This from a govt who, when in opposition, made an issue about the foreign loans we received. (5/7)
6.We developed hospital capacity and #suwaseriya ambulance service during our govt. Even post COVID, when we highlighted need for increased capacity, they haven't increased capacity!!! They also failed to increase testing, and mocked our continued requests at the start. (6/7)
7.The government MUST heed professional advice and rethink their approach of militarising a pandemic urgently! We as the opposition will stand united to support measures taken in this regard. (7/7)
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