1/ Biden & Harris have surprisingly strong credentials on Jewish issues.

If you have fence sitting Jewish friends in swing states, look for reasons to be comfortable about them, here's a collection of resources:

@screenstarr @HenMazzig
5/ (From the same article)

""Biden has always demonstrated a keen personal awareness of and sensitivity to the imperatives of Holocaust remembrance. He has taken each of his children and grandchildren to the sites of former Nazi concentration camps.""
6/ Joe Biden's article about Pittsburgh in a Times of Israel Blog.

"Two years after the Tree of Life shooting, the world feels dark. We must be the light." - by Joe Biden

8/ As good as the normalizations are, they've been coming for yrs. They were pushed over the top, by offering F35s which reduces Israel's security in the region. Those fighters were never been offered before, for important reasons. (con't)
9/ A vote for Biden doesn't stop the movement that was started when Arab states got scared of Iranian Republic developing nuclear weapons, & as a result starting aligning with Israel regionally on that.
10/ Jewish Americans for Biden has tons more. Including volunteering (phone banking from home, and more.)

Their emails are fun reading & cover relevant topics. https://joebiden.com/jewish/# 
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