This is Bob. He believes that certain people don't deserve to have basic human rights.

This is Bob's friend Sally. She isn't bothered that Bob fights against human rights even though some are hers.

Sally thinks this makes her a better person than you.
Bob believes in spreading deadly viruses

And encourages the world burning.

Bob believes that laws should only apply to those naive enough to care about them.

Bob thinks only half the population has bodily autonomy

And that children belong in cages sometimes.
Bob thinks that you should be able to fire people for their genitals.

That he gets to say who gets to be in love and who procreates

Bob believes that you should be able to legally run people over with your car if you don't like them

Bob believes in a white ethnostate.
Bob thinks that poor people deserve to suffer.

Bob thinks that rape isn't a big deal and that those who do are snowflakes.

Bob waves the flag of people who like slavery

Bob thinks wearing the right metal pin absolves you of murder.
Sally doesn't believe any of these things.

In fact she feels they're all horrific.

But the fact that she puts these things aside to have beers with Bob means that she's more open minded and tolerant than people who think Bob is a dangerous, toxic douchebag and aren't his friend
Sally doesn't challenge Bob.

They have friendly abstract academic debates.

They never talk about the trauma and death inflicted on people by the policies Bob supports cause Sally doesn't want to ruin a good thing.

And besides, it's a downer.
Sally and Bob have a superficial "friendship"'based on a shared agreement to never address the hypocrisy of their values and how they express them.

They expect praise for being enlightened, but really they just agree to avoid grappling with the human cost of their "tolerance"
Sally fundamentally confuses the point of tolerance, namely that it exists to protect people from being unfairly harmed by those who would invalidate and dehumanize them for who they are...

Not to reflexively defend the rights of others to dehumanize.
Don't be Bob. Bob's a dillhole.

But Sally ain't nothing to aspire to either.

They're not better adults

They're just in denial.
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