This really says it all. So many Orthodox Jews are convinced they are somehow divinely ordained to make decisions for the entire Jewish people.

This is directly due to a culture that claims it is more worthy as well as more authentic than other Jews.

Just another day.
This is essentially someone overtly saying the thinking that leads so many Orthodox Jews to think that their choices are by default the Jewish choices.

Never mind that their communities do plenty not so ideally Jewish things. Or that others do plenty of ideally Jewish things.
It is pretty sad, really. Especially since so many of the values of Judaism are being subverted by those who support Trump, Orthodox or otherwise.

Either way, I’d say this is what directly leads to problems in the Orthodox Jewish community: being convinced of your righteousness.
That sort of thinking causes you to ignore issues along your own, which then leads directly to blaming everyone but yourselves for your problems.

This goes beyond politics. It’s why people like @jacobkornbluh are targeted: whistleblowers from within break this illusion apart.
It also leads to the much-used but much-misunderstood idea of insularity.

The insularity is really about valuing your own people over others, which is an epidemic in the orthodox world, and leads to lots of horrible things. The most obvious being widespread racism.
There are many many good and logical reasons that led to insularity, but my point is just that all of this stuff rolled into one leads to a sort of tunnel vision that values a kind of Jew over another kind of Jew.

Not through values or morality. But simply through identity.
And when you by default assume one kind of Jew is more valuable than another (this of course works both ways) without actually examining their ideology or morality in depth and individually, you are left with the kind of thinking that allows you to value Heschy Tischler over RBG.
And I should add the usual caveat that I’m describing complicated things in really broad strokes.

So this is not about every individual Orthodox Jew or even every single community, as much as an ideology that has unfortunately spread pretty far within that world.
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