1/ So guys. And gals, & gender fluid people, & ladies & gentlemen & children of all ages, & cats & dogs, and everyone. We are going into a scary, shitty moment. It feels like anything could happen, and anything could. It feels like the stakes are high, & indeed they are. BUT....
2/ Remember this: win or lose, we are NOT done. If Biden wins, the people who go into his administration will face a devastated, depopulated and demoralized civil service and a divided nation in which a defeated Trump will do his damnedest to make governing impossible....
3/ & the dark, racist &violent forces unleashed by Trump won't vanish overnight. We will need millions of Americans to help the Biden administration build back better- & help combat white supremacist & other right wing violent extremist groups and combat right wing disinformation
4/ We will also have incredible positive opportunities to rebuild American politics & culture, healing manufactured divides and breaking free of the ideological and party rigidities that have prevented creativity for so long.
5/ And Trump manages to stay in office, either by actually winning the electoral college or by, uh, "winning," we will have even more work to do. So don't go making plans to move to Canada or anything, okay? This country will need you more than ever.
6/ What I mean to say is: Tuesday & the days/weeks following matter hugely. But this story won't "end" when we know who's getting sworn in on inauguration day. The election is part of the story but it is not the last chapter. So whatever happens, don't decide it's over. It's not.
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