Enough people were interested that I decided to write up a thread explaining what it means that Trump is having an exact #NodalReturn on election day. For the sake of brevity NN means north nod and SN means south node. Here it goes:
The NN and SN are the most karmic and fated points in our chart, represented by the nodes of the moon. They are always in exact opposition and represent the sign & house axis they inhabit. They are points of destiny. Where we came from (SN) vs where we are trying to go (NN).
The SN shows us what he have already mastered in past lives and where we are comfortably rooted. The NN represents what we are trying to master in THIS lifetime; what we incarnated to accomplish. We want to use the skills and experience of our SN as we strive to reach our NN.
Rather then staying in our comfort zone, our soul is trying to achieve something. When we have a nodal return, it means the nodes will be back in the exact same spots they were when we were born. Nodal returns occur about every 18.5 years, so they aren’t particularly common.
They often bring fated/destined/turning points in our lives that aren’t necessarily of our own creation. More like God is aligning things you couldn’t have foreseen yourself that set you on a trajectory closer to your highest goals. A course correction!
So for Trump to have this rare event occur on the exact day of the election speaks volumes to his divinely appointed role at this time! Especially because it occurs in Trumps 11th house of groups, fans, friends, crowds, teams. That’s US, his supporters, his country, We the People
And in gemini he acts as the mouthpiece for the people! He also has his sun/uranus conjunction right there with the NN. It’s where he SHINES (sun) and is an agent of CHANGE (uranus)! A leader through chaos!
So think of the NN as the North Star in your life. By the time we reach Trump’s age we all hope to have reached that destination. And for Trump, it appears that’s exactly what’s happening. The Gemini Sun/Uranus/NN King fulfilling his destiny! #GiantRedWave coming!
Btw if you don’t believe in multiple lifetimes, you can just interpret the SN as what comes most naturally to us, where we are most comfortable.
Might as well add to this that the Blue Moon on Halloween had the sun in Biden’s 12th house (of all things hidden) where he has a stellium (3+ planets). This signifies the building & pending revelation of all his secrets as the light (sun) is shining on them. Kek 😏
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