I know something about Joe Biden that not a lot of people know.
Joe Biden stutters. OK, so a lot of people know that the former vice president used to stutter. It's been written about, Biden has talked about it, and there have been viral moments in which Biden has encouraged young people who stutter to stay confident and follow their dreams.
Biden says he's overcome it. But if you listen to him speaking during tense moments (like debates), he still stutters. Here's a speech therapist talking about it:
Someone who doesn't stutter may not recognize it, but Biden stutters, still, almost all the time. He stops himself. Pauses, and starts again. Changes words or says unnecessary ones to build up the flow so he can say what he wants.
Below is a video, compiled from this year's two presidential debates, of Biden's stuttering.
Of course bullies, like Donald Trump, have pounced on it. Called him "Sleepy Joe." Questioned his mental fitness. One of the comments under the video I posted above reads, "T-T-T-TODAY JUNIOR!”
The woman who posted the clip writes, "Joe Biden can’t even get a sentence together without stuttering. He needs help and needs to step aside. Say No to Sleepy Joe!"
People are not kind to stutterers. They never have been.
I know this because I stutter. I spent half my life in speech therapy, learning the same strategies Biden still uses. I recognize his struggles, and get sick for both of us when I see his play out on TV.
I've felt otherwise kind people judge me when I struggle to get a word out. I've seen them snicker. I'm in a leadership position in a communications job, and I've felt others feel that I'm dumb for not being able to articulate out loud the words that flow so freely in my head.
I feel the frequent attacks against Joe Biden's intelligence personally (though I'm admittedly privileged to be able to escape them more so than say, Barack Obama, who was accused of being born outside the United States because of his skin color).
I don't know who needs to hear this, but we could all be kinder.
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