Catholicism is worthy of criticism but I'm not going to be able to to pray an Orphic Hymn with a dying 90 yr old, or tell them Hekate has set a place for them in afterlife with their dead, or that Hermes has kept them safe their whole life and will guide them to their final rest.
Until you can offer me an alternative to that, I will continue to honor the powers that provide comfort to the people in my care. It is narcissistic to believe that my own preferences outweigh their needs. That's why the criticism will always fall on slightly deaf ears with me.
I bring this up bc (less so now but for a while) I used to get replies along the lines of "cAtHoLiC pRaYeRs JoHn? I wOuLd NeVeR" and I get it, I really do. I abandoned the church at twelve because I learned the truth about the crusades after being enamored with the aesthetic.
Plus, y'know, sex abuse scandals and generally nasty, repressive attitudes. But when I found my vocation, I realized that if I wanted to be truly effective to the degree that I desired, I was going to have to push through those reservations and reopen the lines of communication
I obviously deal with this more than the average duck but it might be something to consider so that you don't reflexively roll your eyes when the priest walks in to give grandma last rights
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