I have had many conversations where I have to explain that as a bisexual, even if I'm in a relationship with a man, that's still not a straight relationship. Some reasons for this:
1) I bring my queer perspectives, expectations and dynamics to any relationship I'm in. https://twitter.com/2kkdavid/status/1322881592524754944
2) if I'm in a relationship with a man, he still might not be cis + straight. He might also be bi. Or pan, trans, etc. Just because you see a man and a woman doesn't necessarily make a straight relationship.
3) this was not always the case, but since I came out as bi, I have made a point of disclosing my identity very early in all relationships, so that I know my bisexuality will be accepted, and that it will be present in our shared experiences
I understand that "straight passing" is a privilege in specific situations. It's also a prison in others. I am not "part straight" or indeed "part gay", I am wholly bisexual & that is a fluid, malleable queer identity that's uniquely itself. We are not part-anything. We are whole
I feel kind of bad for this guy, whose posts and pics imply he's pretty young, and now he's getting piled on. There is a logic to the idea that if you CAN choose to cover up an aspect of your sexuality, you may be safer. But that's still a sad life lived in shadow
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