[US: #Democracy or #CorporateDictatorship?]

On the topic of American democracy being fake, let’s try to remove our minds from decades of state/corporate propaganda and think objectively for a moment...
• DIRECT DEMOCRACY: The U.S. is *not* a direct democracy—at the federal level the people do not get a direct vote on the actions of the state. And at the local level, any choices that do appear are quite limited and rigged. 2/18
• REPRESENTATIVE DEMOCRACY: The U.S. is *not* a representative democracy either—the “representatives” are not the people's, they are the representatives of corporations and entrenched state organizations. These institutions have a bigger carrot/stick than voters. 3/18
• STATE WILLINGNESS: If govt wanted to do what people need, it simply would. It doesn’t. You can’t use the system the govt created to force the govt to do what it doesn’t want to do. Virtue must be preexistent—if yes, no democracy required; if not, no democracy will help. 4/18
• DEMOCRACY’S CORRELATION WITH DEMOCRATIC DECISIONS: There may not be a positive correlation between “democracy” and responsiveness to citizens’ needs, it may be negative—democracy as a mechanism to let people vent, while perpetually delaying addressing their concerns. 5/18
• THREE MANDATES: There are 3 things which are non-negotiable—corporate profits, imperialism, and public debt—from Carter and Reagan, to Obama and Trump—these 3 related things persist. If you have no say over the top priorities of the state, how can it be democracy? 6/18
• MOST OTHER IMPORTANT ISSUES ARE ALSO DECIDED: These big three priorities being fixed, in-turn mandates countless downstream things also being fixed. It’s not possible to “bring the troops home” (imperialism), or provide healthcare that doesn’t extort (corporate profits). 7/18
If you have no say over big nor medium sized decisions, how can it be democracy? People get a choice over what exactly?? 8/18
• A CHOICE BETWEEN IMAGERY: This being the case, you’re left with only minor issues (transgender bathrooms) and being able to choose between carefully engineered public relation “feels.” Do you want some Hillary feel, or Trump feel, on your corporatism-imperialism-debt? 9/18
• WHEN DOES GETTING WHAT YOU WANT BEGIN? When did voters ever get what they wanted? I can’t think of anything. If democracy was real there should be plentiful examples over the last decades? Instead we have plentiful examples of corporations getting what they wanted. 10/18
• DEMOCRACY IS HIGHLY CONTROLLABLE—that’s why America pushes it around the world. If this is why they use it abroad, why would Americans think it is used differently at home? 11/18
• DNC IS A PRIVATE CORPORATION: Recently the system blatantly showed its true face when the court ruled the DNC is a private corporation with limited liability and thus is under no requirement to listen to voters. 12/18
It said voters will not be saved by courts (which back corporations), and they know they won't be saved by democracy (rigged), the court said use your "free speech" (but communication channels are owned by corporations). So now what?

This is the U.S. “democratic” system. 13/18
• WHAT IS THE SYSTEM, REALLY? And thus, if not democracy, what is the political system of the U.S.? The court ruling tells us—it’s a corporate dictatorship.

A system where essentially all decisions are determined by the math algorithm of what maximizes profits for corps. 14/18
This unpalatable system is given legitimacy by a thin veil of “democracy” and “free markets” propaganda.

This is why I say to be pro-democracy is to be pro-corporate fascism. You can't fight corporatism with democracy, because democracy is corporatism's outer form. 15/18
Now let's backtest—what explains the actions of the U.S. govt over the last 50yrs better, democracy or corporate dictatorship? Democracy can’t explain the outcomes, because Americans never voted for any of this shit! 16/18
Corporate dictatorship, all decisions according to what maximizes profit, explains almost everything (constant war, extortive healthcare, divisive media, unhealthy food supply, financial scams, etc). 17/18
Yet after all this is said—doublethink happens—and smart people will pretend to believe.

I just keep wondering, how long does this go on? What exactly would it take, that hasn't already happened, for people to realize and accept that democracy is fake? 18/18 #IllusionOfDemocracy
Thanks for reading. Hoping to get a retweet from @caitoz, or other heavy hitter.

I think it's very important to grow up, and stop believing
American media propaganda, especially this whole "democracy" farce.
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