Any startup which figures out how to make enterprise contracting fast should immediately pivot into being the Enterprise Contracting Fast company.

Most firms will have to settle for having their own house in order (hard enough!) and trying to keep leaked days/weeks to minimum.
"Have your own house in order?"

You have your standard language ready to go. Your lawyers quickly process readlines. You know all the certs and operational processes common in your industry and have frontline responses and fast handoffs internally, with named DRIs & hard SLAs.

Most firms are nowhere near the frontier here. They've got 15 different versions of the contract accreted over time and sales reps don't know what the blessed one is and send semi-randomly. They do a bespoke review each time.
If there is a security questionnaire the ticket bounces around engineering teams for weeks before someone favor trades with a staff engineer to get it answered.
But even if you fix all of these issues in your own firm, even if you are the most capable possible advocate for your sale at their firm, you *will not successfully transform their organization from the outside.*

It has defeated *everyone* trying to do that internally!
(A perhaps more optimistic way of saying it is "The emergent slowness in contracting you are experiencing from the enterprise/government/etc is not an accident and is not a negative, it is the byproduct of the true values of the stakeholders of the organization. It is *planned.*)
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