Terrorism = nonstate actors using violence or threats of violence, actual or implied, to achieve political ends that they cannot achieve by legitimate means.

This is, actually, terrorism. https://twitter.com/mcbyrne/status/1322566702048153600
This is terrorism. https://twitter.com/bluestein/status/1322985347706507265
This is terrorism.

"Militia groups & other armed non-state actors pose a serious threat to the safety & security of American voters... The election [is] a potential 'flashpoint' for reactionary violence." https://acleddata.com/2020/10/21/standing-by-militias-election/
(This is where you find out I'm a political scientist by training.)
Also: This is not the behavior of an out-group that sees itself on the cusp of victory. It is, however, the behavior of an out-group that sees political violence as a legitimate response to defeat.
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