law is not morality nor justice.

used in authoritarian fashion and against the consent of those upon whom it is imposed, it is often the opposite.

those who aided run away slaves were "outlaws"

those who turned them in were "law abiding citizens"
"democratic norms" are no substitute for rights.

tyranny of the majority is still tyranny and a particularly oppressive form at that.

ceding your rights to such a mob because you fear some enemy or worse, the mob itself, is a very dangerous game and the slipperiest of slopes.
granting "emergency powers" to leaders whereby they may take your rights and enhance their own power simply incentivizes those who seek power to seek, enhance, and exaggerate emergencies.

as so many are now waking up to realize, that is NOT a government you want...
such powers, once assumed, are rarely willingly surrendered again.

why are so many governments anxious for more lockdowns?

because that is their route to more power, authority, and dominance.

what, you thought they'd get a taste of autocracy and find it not to their liking?
of course they want you scared and for the "crisis" to go on and on forever

they have lied to you from the start. can anyone seriously doubt this on day 229 of 15 days to flatten the curve?

this endless cavalcade of hobgoblins and scare stories has been on long bait and switch
and you can feel it morphing into a dictatorial long con.

"life cannot go back to normal, even with a vaccine..."

wrong. it can and it must. in many places, it has.

and if you will not fight for your rights, it's not coming back in yours

that's the choice, simple and stark
no more hiding, no more fear, no more cowering before demagogues seeking to sell you on the lie that your submission is civic virtue and the giving up your rights is the only way to get your liberty back.

it's literal orwell.

you get to keep the rights you fight for.

so fight.
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