Anyone that tells you that jobs coming back to the USA is a simple matter of taxes sees you as a blithering idiot. America has been energetically exporting every low/mid tier jobs for decades. The entire supply chains for entire industries have migrated offshore.
Taxation is but one small aspect of the problem. Recreating entire supply chains (often 100's of local suppliers) takes *decades* (just as it took decades to offshore them). Libertarian "taxation is theft" types like to see taxes as some kind of magic solution. They are not.
Both political parties worked hard to offshore jobs since Ronnie Reagan. They listened to Milton Friedman types and assured Americans that "somehow" the economy would create better jobs. It didn't and most of the new jobs created were far worse, certainly for mid skilled workers.
The truth is that creating jobs for the millions of displaced Americans should have been part of National Policy. As outsourcing occurred, those doing the outsourcing should have been taxed (the opposite of what Grover says) more to help ease the transition via retraining.
We adopted a faith-based industrial policy that saw the "invisible hand" as a way to magically solve any issues that arose.

The "invisible hand" turned out to be a fist that knocked American labor out.

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