"i don't want to be anyone's boss and i don't want to have a boss" is the siren song of the small business owner who is an intolerably atrocious manager.
i've worked for a bunch of people who feel this way, and every single one of them has been the absolute worst to work for. people with this attitude make their employees' lives completely miserable, often times, on purpose.
we talk a lot about how small businesses are the backbone of america, but a hell of a lot of small businesses are run by people who were so hated by their co-workers or bosses or direct reports that they didn't really have any choice but to strike out on their own.
anyway, it does not at all surprise me that both jeremy scahill and glenn greenwald felt this way, but it's very funny that scahill doesn't realize what saying it publicly says about them both.
also, too: that same attitude (and the behavior that follows it) is what doomed taibbi's fledgling outfit before it even got off the ground.
hot take that isn't actually very hot: being your own boss sucks way more than working for someone else, most of the time, and people who don't have bosses to answer to are very frequently utter tyrants.
man, at least once a week on this hellsite, i encounter someone who follows me whose sole purpose in following me seems to be to willfully make themselves mad by intentionally misinterpreting me.
anyway, lest some independent business owner see this thread and think that i am attacking them, personally, i probably am. most people are bad managers, and that probably includes you.
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