Dont ever feel embarrassed or inferior when your healer tells you that you've had an abortion in the past.

There are many reasons why abortions come up during consultations.

These reasons are to help you solve a problem and not a stage for judgement

Thread nyana
Healers work differently but I believe that the basic premise is to protect and to heal their patients.

Often time we find that women conceal and deny the fact that they have had terminations of pregnancies.

Please dont.

Also healers must watch how they engage on this
The abortion is probably coming up because your ancestors see a piece of biological material still logged inside of you.

This needs to be removed to avoid further problems
Yes it is a medical procedure.

A very old medical procedure because they didnt have the sexual life we had.

But women used to eat certain plants and even cleaning detergents to perform a termination
You have a right to abort.

But also go consult to see if that specific termination requires an apology or a cleansing or both
Anyway, be blessed ❤
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