This is gonna be my #Noirvember movies and comics recommendation thread!
For Day 1, I'm recommending maybe my favorite noir graphic novel, San Hannibal!

A modern take on a detective story, has strange and complex characters, a flawed detective, and plays with color amazingly!
I watched Manhandled and it's a pretty fun locked room mystery. It's a bit silly, drags a bit in the middle, and I wish we saw more of Alan Napier, but it's got a good ending!

You can watch the whole thing on youtube! #Noirvember
Day 2 of #Noirvember, I'm recommending The Private Eye!

Noir in a future where everyone's information was leaked, so now everyone needs to wear masks and hide their identities! Wearing masks huh🤔
Day 3 of #Noirvember

I'm guessing today twitter will either be a ghost town or a minefield so not many people will see this, which gives me an excuse to say CASABLANCA IS A NOIR MOVIE THERE I SAID IT GO WATCH IT IT'S ON HBO MAX IT'S REAL GOOD BUDS
Day 4 of #Noirvember

I'm recommending Dash! Gay detective in the 40's investigating a series of supernatural murders! Queer as heck!
I forgot to do Day 5 of #Noirvember because things were cray

Detour! A hitchhiker winds up with a dead body, and then gets blackmailed by a conniving woman! Things go downhill from there. It's great and it's on Amazon Prime!
Day 6 of #Noirvember, Lady Killer!

House wife and assassin Josie Schuller tries to manage her home life with her secret work life! Can she have it all??
Also for day 6, I’m recommending Quicksand!

One of the best examples of escalating consequences. Guy steals 20$ to take a girl on a date, but the consequences keep catching up and he becomes more desperate! You can watch it on Amazon Prime! #Noirvember
#Noirvember day 7! Movie recommendation: Bound!
Lesbian noir from the Wachowskis! Early work of theirs that sill holds up!
Day 7 Comic rec for #Noirvember: Terminal City! One of my favs and one of the first graphic novels I read!

Washed-up pulp adventure stars try to figure out what happened to them and try to deal with new lives, an amnesiac man with a suitcase, and gangsters! It's on comixology!
Day 8 of #Noirvember! I'm recommending Murder, My Sweet!

Great lil mystery about a missing girl, some missing jewels, and of course, MURDER! It's got great slang! Dick Powell plays a great Philip Marlow!
Day 8 comic rec: Darwyn Cooke’s Parker.

If you’ve somehow never read the series, Cooke is a master at storytelling. Start with The Hunter! #Noirvember
Day 9 for #Noirvember: The Set-Up!

A washed-up fighter has one last fight, but his manager made a deal with a gangster for him to throw the fight...without telling him! If he wins, he loses! If he loses, he loses!
Day 10 for #Noirvember: Dark Entries!

Vertigo did a whole crime series that was pretty darn good(will probably talk more about em). This has John Constantine investigating a haunted reality TV show!
Day 11 for #Noirvember: The Big Heat!

A hard-nosed cop tries to take down a gangster, but how hard is he willing to go?! Fritz Lang directed! Has surprisingly good effects for the time!
Day 12 for #Noirvember: Liar's Kiss!

A detective who has a gig being a snoop suddenly has a murder case on his hand when his subject turns up dead! Great detective noir with a killer ending!
Day 13 for #Noirvember, since it's Friday the 13th, here's a spooky one, Kiss Me Deadly!

Mike Hammer picks up a fleeing woman, and tries to find out what she's running from. A fairly creepy noir with an incredibly unsettling opening!
Also for a comic rec for Friday the 13th #Noirvember: The Damned!

Eddie lost his soul, but gained the ability to never die. The 1920's prohibition era is full of demons, and Eddie works for one of 'em, trying to avoid a fate worse than death!
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