While Calgary's kids are dressing up in spooky costumes and hoping for lots of candy treats from their friends and neighbours, it's nothing but tricks down at City Hall.

On Friday, the full agenda for Monday's City Council meeting was posted, and you wouldn't believe how many terrible policies are coming up for vote in just 48 hours.
Let's run down all of the tricky business happening at City Council on Manic Monday.
1. Reducing residential speed limits to 40kmph.
Perhaps having watched too many zombie movies where undead corpses stumble forward at an unbelievably slow speed, #YYCCC will be moving to drop the speed on residential roads to 40Km/h & new roads will be built to have 30Km/h.
As Save Calgary has pointed out before, this is a solution entirely in search of a problem, and will end up grinding our city to a halt.
Rather than punishing law-abiding motorists by forcing them to drive ridiculously slowly on residential streets,
City Council could instead target the real problem - people who drive recklessly through our neighbourhoods and put our kids in danger.

Tell your City Councillor to vote NO on speed limit reductions.
2. Charging people to park in front of their own homes.
Earlier this week, Save Calgary discussed City Council's crazy idea to start making people pay for the "privilege" of parking in front of their own homes.
While Councillors and bureaucrats suggest this is about "fairness" and "reducing the tax burden," the reality is they just want to pick the pockets of struggling Calgarians.
It's just one of the dozens and dozens of new taxes that City Council is considering since they absolutely refuse to make real spending cuts.
What's next, a collecting candy in Calgary tax? Local kids better keep an eye on their candy stashes tonight!
Tell your City Councillor to vote NO on charging for residential parking permits.
3. Removing minimum parking requirements for businesses.
One of the reasons why parking in neighbourhoods is at a premium is because City planners and politicians allowed development which lacked adequate parking, forcing customers to park elsewhere.
But it seems like City Council, as if following the plot line of virtually every horror movie, has completely failed to learn from their past mistakes (creepy noise in the dark basement of a supposedly haunted house? City Council says let's go check it out!).
They want to repeat the same bad decisions which created our neighbourhood parking problems in the first place.
Tell your City Councillor to vote NO on eliminating minimum parking requirements for businesses.
Despite the spooky time of year, we're tired of City Council trying to scare us with their constant record of bad decisions.
Here is the contact information for your Councillor - contact them and tell them to vote NO on all of these issues:
Mayor - Naheed Nenshi: [email protected]
Ward 1 - Ward Sutherland: [email protected]
Ward 2 - Joe Magliocca: [email protected]
Ward 3 - Jyoti Gondek: [email protected]
Ward 4 - Sean Chu: [email protected]
Ward 5 - George Chapel: [email protected]
Ward 6 - Jeff Davison: [email protected]
Ward 7 - Druh Farrell: [email protected]
Ward 8 - Evan Woolley: [email protected]
Ward 9 - Gian-Carlo Carra: [email protected]
Ward 10 - Ray Jones: [email protected]
Ward 11 - Jeromy Farkas: [email protected]
Ward 12 - Shane Keating: [email protected]
Ward 13 - Diane Colley-Urquhart: [email protected]
Ward 14 - Peter Demong: [email protected]
Don't let them trick us again - we're tired of being haunted by their mistakes!
And remember, when it comes to standing up for taxpayers and fighting for better government down at City Hall, there's just one question you have to ask yourself:
Who ya gonna call? Save Calgary!

Save Calgary
P.S. We wish all Calgarians a happy and safe Halloween!
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