Thread on Naomi’s FCW Women’s Championship Reign.

(And everything that lead to it)
In a time where Women’s Wrestling wasn’t taken seriously by the WWE, the women in their developmental system (FCW) were out to prove that Women’s Wrestling could be as entertaining, if not more entertaining than men’s wrestling.
The women of FCW would go out week after week and give their all in their matches and segments, coming up with complex characters and building stories, FCW management saw the work the ladies were putting in and they were impressed with what was going on.
FCW management wanted to reward the ladies for their hard work and dedication, they felt like the women deserved something to fight over, (besides the crown of Queen of FCW) and the FCW Divas Championship was created.
A single elimination tournament would be held to crown the first ever FCW Divas Champion.
In the last match of the first round of the tournament, Naomi would defeat Liviana to advance to the second round.
In the second round of the FCW Divas Championship tournament, Naomi defeated Savannah to move on to the finals to face Serena, after the match Serena would attack Naomi and cut her hair, sending a message.
In the finals of the FCW Divas Championship tournament, Naomi would defeat Serena and become the first ever FCW Divas Champion.
After Naomi won the FCW Divas Championship, other ladies wasted no time in trying to get a championship match.
The week after Naomi won the FCW Divas Championship, the Queen of FCW, AJ Lee, would meet GM Norman Smiley in his office, there she would complain about having to compete in the tournament, she says because she is the queen she should’ve automatically been in the title match.
To add context to the end of the AJ and Norman segment

Norman was under investigation by Steve, AJ knew that he and Maxine were the ones at the door so she used that to her advantage and manipulated the situation to get what she wanted, she got a championship match the next week
The following week, Naomi defeated AJ Lee to retain her FCW Divas Championship in her first title defense.
On the July 11th episode of FCW, Naomi would get interviewed, in that interview she talks about defending her championship around the state of Florida, the man interviewing her ask her about 2 strong contenders for her championship, AJ Lee and Serena.
Naomi goes on to say she isn’t intimidated by either of them and she knows if they were to face off she would come out on top, Serena would then interrupt the interview and things would go haywire when Naomi and Serena start brawling, AJ Lee then inserts herself.
The following week, Naomi would defeat Serena and AJ Lee in a triple threat match to retain her FCW Divas Championship.
On the 8-8-10 episode of FCW, Naomi teamed up with Conrad Tanner to defeat AJ Lee and Derrick Bateman
The following week AJ Lee would ask for an interview, in that interview AJ goes on to say how she has been forgotten about ever since Naomi became the FCW Divas Champion, she continues by saying she doesn’t see why anyone even likes Naomi.
AJ goes on to challenge Naomi next week to a title vs crown unification match.
The next week AJ and Naomi would face each other in a title vs crown, unification match.

The match would end in a no contest after they brawled outside the ring, not making it back before a 10 count, they would continue brawling and the other divas attempt to break it up.
The feud between Naomi and AJ was getting more and more personal by the week, Both women were out to prove they were the best in the FCW Divas Division.
AJ wanted to send a message to Naomi, letting her know she was not playing around, the following week AJ would have a dominant performance against Jamie Keys.
On the 9-26-10 episode of FCW, Naomi would defeat AJ in a non-title, lumberjill match.
On the 11-7-10 episode of FCW, Naomi and Kaitlyn defeated the team of AJ Lee and Aksana.
The next time AJ and Naomi would face off would be in mixed tag action, Naomi and Lucky Cannon would defeat the team of AJ Lee and Peter Orlov.
After this mixes tag match things would kind of cool down between Naomi and AJ.

AJ would start a feud with Rosa Mendes over the crown of “Queen of FCW”

Rosa would eventually beat AJ to become the new Queen.
Because of the issues between Naomi and AJ and AJ and Rosa a triple threat match was made on the 1-9-11 episode of FCW,

Naomi would put Rosa away with her finisher but AJ would steal the victory.
Because of the triple threat victory and the victory AJ got over Naomi on NXT a few weeks earlier (The best Divas match of 2010) AJ was granted another match for the FCW Divas Championship.
On the 1-23-11 episode of FCW, AJ Lee defeated Naomi to become the new FCW Divas Champion.
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