hmmm i'm wondering now bc this is my first album cb how much the surrounding context is viewed as part and package of a bts album (the concept pics and teaser vids and so on)
bc based on what i've seen the promo is sometimes really useful in introducing the work but is it necessary? idk. like for me i can't view connect bts as separate from 7 but i'm perfectly fine ignoring the concept pics for like ly her for instance
like before this (bc i didn't follow the rollout for any album) i only was teasers and stuff as promo but not necessarily as as door through which the artist is inviting you into their work, a way of setting context (i mean not all of them do this ofc)
and so much bts work is directed towards army (a connected fandom) so i feel like there seems to be clusters of collective consensus around what the idea being developed through the rollout period. this ofc is true of any established artist doing any promo, but i do feel like
it's different here with bts & ami. particularly for be - the promo is quite interactive and a moment of individual & collective healing & i wonder how it would be to experiance this album later
hm i think this is maybe bc i've come more & more to understand the importance of context in comprehending a piece of art. the issue is i need to also be strong enough to have my own take & understanding and not be submerged by the weight of the piece
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