Summary of the past few days:

Users: Oh no, ad block stopped working!
Random redditor: Hey use this script it works
Users: Wow thanks!


Users: OMG I'm getting ads every ten minutes
Twitch: You have an extension that's causing problems and ruining your experience.
In the scripts I've seen passed around, at least: They work by trying to trick Twitch's servers into thinking you're viewing from another context that shouldn't get ads.

That's how they've always worked, but Twitch fixed that. People are still trying to make it work and failing.
One particular version of the script ended up requesting... I think it was an embed player?

As a result, users with that were not seeing pre-roll ads, but instead seeing mid-roll every X minutes.

Naturally, people started freaking out about it and blaming Twitch.
Please remember that you're messing with the functioning of a pretty intricate mess of code. (Advertising is just a big nasty ball of mess.)

It can break. And breaking doesn't necessarily mean only "No change" or "No ads"

It can mean "Constant ads".
Having said all this, I'm not some kind of pro-ad weirdo. I think Twitch still needs to make big improvements to how ads work on their platform. I think we need to keep up the feedback.

I just don't want people to attack them for an adblocker making things worse.
You can follow @SirStendec.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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