Based on data from ONS, Lancet, and other sources, and not yet including other deaths as a result of lockdown.

I have initially calculated that covid has taken an additional 757 lives this year if you exclude excess lives lost and the additional estimated lives lost to cancer.
This means that the lockdown effect and total lives lost over last 210 days is equal to 757. Not 44,000

I expect this number to turn negative once other factors are added in.
This means it is highly likely based on these sources that lockdowns actually cost more lives than they save.

But i need to do further projections and calculations to be completely certain.

#covidfacts #abetterway
Provisional estimates only
As more sources and estimates of other impacts of lockdowns are factored in we are likely to see that thousands of lives have been lost because of lockdowns. However, a factoring in of potential increased deaths similar to sweden model will be needed for covid deaths.
Or another way to look at this, covid and lockdown policies combined has killed or will kill over 100,000 people in the UK just based on initial estimates. And that if we hadn't locked down and 85,000 had died of covid, we probably would have saved 15,000 lives.
Even if covid killed a 100,000 without a lockdown, we would have not lost anymore people. Hindsight is a wonderful thing, but now we should be using this information as foresight on lockdown 2.0

Just my opinion
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