1: Look, I don’t know if @realdonaldtrump wins or not - the polls say one thing and the rallies say something else, and it feels like it’s going to be close either way - but this is already the most serious populist repudiation of elite opinion since at least Andrew Jackson...
2: Remember, in 2016 the elites thought Trump was a joke. They didn’t think he could possibly win and they treated the election that way. This time they are treating him as a deadly threat, and practically EVERY center of gravity in the United States is aligned against him...
3: Not just conventional media and Hollywood and the social sciences, as in 2016, but big technology companies/social media, non-profits, the physical sciences and medicine, which have been relatively non-partisan, and most shockingly much of the national security community...
4: And yet, despite all of this, and despite the efforts to frame the ro as an end-of-days plague, and despite now running at a big fundraising deficit to Uncle Joe (as he did to Hillary Clinton) Trump is clearly in striking distance.

People are FED UP.
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