Sara Gideon's argument is so flawed in so many ways, it's hard to imagine how anyone buys it.

She says she's going to fix money in politics,as she spends more money than anyone in Maine history. So she'll fight to keep money out of politics, but just not this time.

Gideon says she's going make sure corporations pay their fair share. But her own family corporation skipped their taxes for years, until their town had to levy 77 tax liens on them to get them to pay.

Gideon says she's against donations from Big Pharma, but her first donation to her PAC was from a pharmaceutical company at a lobbyist fundraiser in her living room.

Gideon says she's against fossil fuel donations, but one of her biggest benefactors is a fossil fuel investor, and she goes to Texas to raise money from fossil fuel millionaires. #mepolitics
Gideon says she's bipartisan, but she called her GOP colleagues terrorists and spends all her time attacking Republicans.

The biggest joke of all of these is that she'll do anything to help at all if she's elected, when she's proven she'll place personal ambition over Maine in the most brazen way possible. 8 months of vacation, but suddenly she'll gain a work ethic if she's elected.

The only honest Gideon argument is that her win could lead to a Democrat majority. Then Gideon will do as she's told and Maine will take a back seat to DC party bosses. That's why she says winning is her "most important job."

Mainers should remember this on Tuesday.

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